Where Good Vision is Always in Fashion
1301 W. Evergreen Ave. Effingham, IL 62401
5 E Cumberland Rd. Altamont, IL 62411
108 N 14th St. Mattoon, IL 61938
Glaucoma is a condition that mostly affects adults over 40, according to the National Library of Medicine. However, it's not just limited to this age group. It can also affect young adults, children, and even infants. According to All About Vision, just 10% of individuals who receive proper treatment for glaucoma will still experience vision loss. As such, it's very important to get an eye exam and treatment as soon as possible to reduce the chances of vision loss. Here are some things you may want to know about this condition.
Glaucoma is a collection of eye diseases that can lead to vision loss. These conditions damage the optic nerve, which is in the back of your eye. Because glaucoma symptoms start slowly, you may not even notice them. The only way to be certain that you have glaucoma is to go for a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition. The only thing that can you can do is stop the damage. Preventative care is very important in protecting your vision.
The exact cause of glaucoma is not known. However, it's usually associated with extreme pressure inside the eye. The intraocular pressure rises because of a buildup of aqueous humor, which usually happens when the drainage system of the eye is not functioning properly. It's this pressure that will damage the optic nerve and can cause vision loss and other symptoms. Under normal circumstances, this fluid should leave the eye through a drainage system found at the junction of the iris and the cornea.
We know glaucoma as the "silent thief of sight." This is because it rarely shows any symptoms until it's at an advanced stage, which is when vision loss is apparent. People who don't receive treatment for glaucoma eventually lose their peripheral (side) vision. Once this starts happening, the patient will feel like they are looking through a tunnel. As the condition progresses, central vision keeps getting worse until no vision remains. Therefore, anyone with risk factors for glaucoma should ensure that they get an eye exam from time to time.
It's very important to get an eye exam from an eye doctor regularly to determine if you have any risk factors for glaucoma. It's even more important if you haven't been checked for glaucoma in multiple years. Get in touch with Weber Optiks today for a quality eye exam and for help uncovering any risk you might have of glaucoma.
5 E Cumberland Rd
Altamont, IL 62411
(618) 881-0884
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